Skarlette Donated 10% of Breast Cancer Awareness Month sales to Prevent Breast Cancer

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Skarlette committed to donating 10% of sales with their BCAM offer during the month of October.

As an ambassador for the charity Prevent Breast Cancer (PBC), Heather likes to share their messages and information, and Skarlette supports their work with a variety of fundraising endeavours. Why?

Heather & Jackie in PBC bow

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK. Every year, over 55,900 people are diagnosed with breast cancer. That’s over 153 people a day. PBC want to stop the problem before it starts. Predict. Prevent. Protect.

For every 10,000 UK women aged 50 years invited to breast screening for the next 20 years, 43 breast cancer deaths will be prevented by screening, University of Oxford researchers have found.

Personalised screening based on an individual’s risk, to maximise the benefits and minimise the downsides, like over-diagnosis of such screening, is what Prevent Breast Cancer are working hard on with their scientific research. They want the screening to be directed to those at most risk.

Can you imagine the ability to predict a woman’s 10-year combined risk of developing and then dying from breast cancer? Then being in a position to prevent that from happening... Identifying women at the highest risk of deadly breast cancers and inviting them to start screening earlier, to be invited for more frequent screenings, or to be screened with different types of imaging is what we will see in the future.

Such a personalised approach could lower breast cancer deaths and avoid unnecessary screening for lower-risk women. Those women at higher risk of developing a deadly breast cancer could be considered for treatments that try to prevent those breast cancers from even developing.

Prevent Breast Cancer is the only UK charity entirely dedicated to the prediction and prevention of breast cancer, committed to freeing the world from the disease altogether. Promoting early diagnosis, screening and lifestyle changes, PBC believe they can stop the disease before it starts. The charity is situated at the only breast cancer prevention centre in the UK, in Manchester, right at the front-line in the fight against the disease. 

This is the reason Skarlette supports the work of the charity, and Heather and two of Skarlette's models take part in campaigns to raise awareness and funds - and also have lots of fun together!

Jo in Pink BC bow

One of the latest projects the charity are hoping to get over the line soon is the National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA). There's an estimated 12,000 people living with undiagnosed breast cancer due to 1.5 million fewer breast screening appointments being carried out during the pandemic.

The NBIA would enable up to 13,000 extra patients to be seen at The Nightingale Centre in Manchester each year, as well as further research into diagnosis and treatment. Not only will this enhance the breast service and save many, many lives, it will train the next generation of breast imaging staff in the UK as it will deliver the space and cutting-edge facilities required. 

So during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Skarlette committed to donating 10% of sales with their BCAM offer. All the customers who helped, by purchasing their products, also received a 40% discount during the entire month of October.

Thank you from us and thank you from PBC, one day we will see an end to this if we continue to all do our bit.

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